The ECG247 is a result of many years research in medical technology and cardiology. ECG247 has documented usability and diagnostic accuracy.

The Norwegian atrial fibrillation self-screening trial (NORSCREEN)
The NORSCREEN trial will assess whether self-examination with ECG247, detection of previously unknown atrial fibrillation and initiation of preventive treatment can avoid stroke. The study will include 35,000 participants ≥65 years with up to 5 years follow-up. Oslo University Hospital and professor Sigrun Halvorsen are responsible for the study

The health survey in Trøndelag (HUNT4)
In the fourth part of the Health Survey in Trøndelag (HUNT4, 2017-2019), over 2,400 participants were examined with cardiac ultrasound and a stress test on a treadmill to measure fitness. In this project, we follow up these participants by mapping heart rhythm disturbances with a focus on atrial fibrillation using ECG247. The data collection with ECG247 started in the spring of 2024. The aim of the project is, among other things, to better understand the underlying factors for the development of atrial fibrillation, with a focus on the connection between heart structure and function and physical form. The project is led by professor Håvard Dalen and postdoctoral fellow Jon Magne Letnes at the Department of Circulation and Imaging (NTNU) and the Department of Cardiology at St Olav’s Hospital.
Read more about the study here

SNAPS-studien (The Southern Norway Post-stroke Atrial Fibrillation Study)
Sørlandet Hospital HF is responsible for the SNAPS study, which will investigate, among other things, whether ECG247 is better suited to detect atrial fibrillation after stroke compared to today’s standard examinations. Atrial fibrillation as a cause of stroke is treated with a special preventive medicine and it is therefore important to detect the condition. The study will include 450 participants over the age of 18 who have been admitted to the hospital with ischemic stroke from and including 2023. The study is led by dr med Halvor Øygarden.

The Tromsø study (T8)
The Tromsø Study, initiated in 1974 in response to the high cardiovascular disease mortality rates in Northern Norway, has since evolved into a series of seven studies conducted at 7-8 year intervals. The eighth Tromsø Study is scheduled for 2025-2026 and will involve 4,000 participants with elevated NT-proBNP levels. Participants will be randomized to atrial fibrillation screening using ECG247. Outcomes in the intervention group will be compared to those in the control group regarding stroke incidence and mortality over a six-year follow-up period. The study is led by Associate Professor, Dr. Agnete Eltoft, PhD, UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Research articles
- Apelland T, Sellevold AB, Letnes JM, et al Cardiac arrhythmia assessment with patch electrocardiogram versus insertable cardiac monitor: a cohort study in endurance athletes with atrial fibrillation BMJ Open 2025;15:e093250. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-093250
- Miroslav Boskovic, Jarle Jortveit, Marius Blørstad Haraldsen, Trygve Berge, Johan Engdahl, Maja-Lisa Løchen, Peter Schuster, Edvard Liljedahl Sandberg, Jostein Grimsmo, Dan Atar, Ole-Gunnar Anfinsen, Are Hugo Pripp, Bjørnar Leangen Grenne, Sigrun Halvorsen, The NORwegian atrial fibrillation self-SCREENing trial (NORSCREEN): Rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial, EP Europace, 2024;, euae228,
- Edvard Liljedahl Sandberg, Sigrun Halvorsen, Trygve Berge, Jostein Grimsmo, Dan Atar, Bjørnar Leangen Grenne, Jarle Jortveit, Digital recruitment and compliance to treatment recommendations in the Norwegian Atrial Fibrillation self-screening pilot study, European Heart Journal – Digital Health, 2024;, ztae026,
- Jortveit J, Boskovic M, Halvorsen S. The NORwegian atrial fibrillation self-SCREENing trial (NORSCREEN). Hjerteforum. 2024;37(No 1).
- Sandberg EL, Halvorsen S, Berge T, Grimsmo J, Atar D, Grenne BL, Jortveit J. Screening for Atrial Fibrillation by Digital Health Technology in Older People in Homecare Settings: A Feasibility Trial. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications. 2024 2024/03/25;2024:4080415.
- Jortveit J, Boskovic M, Sandberg EL, Vegsundvåg J, Halvorsen S. High Diagnostic Accuracy of Long-Term Electrocardiogram Interpretation by General Practitioners. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications. 2024 2024/02/22;2024:6624344
- Edvard Liljedahl Sandberg, Sigrun Halvorsen, Trygve Berge, Jostein Grimsmo, Dan Atar, Rune Fensli, Bjørnar Leangen Grenne, Jarle Jortveit, Fully digital self-screening for atrial fibrillation with patch electrocardiogram, EP Europace, 2023;, euad075,
- Ausland Å, Sandberg EL, Jortveit J, Seiler S. Heart rhythm assessment in elite endurance athletes: A better method? Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 2022;4.
- Jortveit J, Früh A, Odland HH. Paroxysmal Tachycardia Diagnosed by ECG247 Smart Heart Sensor in a Previously Healthy Child. Case Reports in Pediatrics. 2022;2022:9027255.
- Jortveit J, Fensli R. Remote ECG Monitoring by ECG247 Smart Heart Sensor. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications. 2022;2022:6812889.
- Sandberg EL, Grenne BL, Berge T, Grimsmo J, Atar D, Halvorsen S, et al. Diagnostic Accuracy and Usability of the ECG247 Smart Heart Sensor Compared to Conventional Holter Technology. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2021;2021:5230947.
- Fensli, R, et al. Clinical evaluation of a wireless ECG sensor system for arrhythmia diagnostic purposes. Medical engineering & physics, 2013, 35.6: 697-703.
- Fensli, R. W., & Svagård, I. S. A Proposed Desentralized Holter Diagnostic procedure. Paper presented at the 23rd International Conference of the European Federation for Medical Informatics, Oslo. 2011
- Fensli, R., Dale, J. G., O`Reilly, P., O’Donoghue, J., Sammon, D., & Gundersen, T. (2009). Towards Improved Healthcare Performance: Examining Technological Possibilities and Patient Satisfaction with Wireless Body Area Networks Journal of Medical Systems, SpringerLink Date Tuesday, May 12, 2009. doi:DOI 10.1007/s10916-009-9291-8
- Fensli, R., Gundersen, T., Snaprud, T., & Hejlesen, O. Signal quality of wearable sensors, methods for comparing recordings from a wireless ECG sensor to established clinical standards. Paper presented at the pHealth2009, The 6th international workshop on Wearable Micro and Nanosystems for Personalised Health Oslo, Norway. 2009
- Fensli, R. Design Principles and Evaluation of a Wireless ECG Sensor System. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. 2009
- Fensli, R, et al. Sensor acceptance model–measuring patient acceptance of wearable sensors. Methods of information in medicine, 2008, 47.01: 89-95. hFensli, R. Design Principles and Evaluation of a Wireless ECG Sensor System. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. 2009
- Fensli, R; Boisen, E. Human factors affecting the patient’s acceptance of wireless biomedical sensors. In: International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008. p. 402-412.
- Fensli, R. A Wireless ECG Sensor System for Arrhythmia Detection. Design Principles, Clinical Evaluation and Patient Acceptance. (Ph.D.), University of Aalborg, Aalborg, Denmark. 2008
- Fensli, R., & Boisen, E. (2008, Jan 28-31). How to evaluate human factors of wireless biomedical sensors. Identifying aspects of patient acceptance based on a preliminary clinical trial. Paper presented at the International Conference on Health Informatics, HEALTHINF, Funchal, Madeira-Portugal. 2008
- Fensli, R., & Boisen, E. (2008). Human Factors Affecting the Patient’s Acceptance of Wireless Biomedical Sensors. In A. Fred, J. Filipe, & H. Gamboa (Eds.), BIOSTEC 2008, CCIS 25 (pp. 402-412). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 2008
- Fensli, R., Hansen, F. Ø., Gunnarson, E., & Gundersen, T. (2006, June 12-14). Wearable Biomedical Sensors in a Tele-home-care Context, a Foresight Scenario. Paper presented at the Tromsø Telemedicine and eHealth Conference, Tromsø, Norway.
- Fensli, R; Gunnarson, E; Gundersen, T. A wearable ECG-recording system for continuous arrhythmia monitoring in a wireless tele-home-care situation. In: 18th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS’05). IEEE, 2005. p. 407-412.
- Fensli, R; Gunnarson, E; Heljesen, O. A wireless ECG system for continuous event recording and communication to a clinical alarm station. In: The 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE, 2004. p. 2208-2211.
- Fensli, R; Gunnarson, E; Heljesen, O. A wireless cardiac alarm system for continuous event recording. In: Building High Performance Healthcare Organizations, Medinfo 2004, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Medical Informatics, 7-11 September 2004, San Francisco, CA, USA (CD-ROM). International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA); American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), 2004. p. 1589.
- Fensli, R; Gunnarson, E; Heljesen, O. A wireless ECG system for continuous event recording and communication to a clinical alarm station. In: The 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE, 2004. p. 2208-2211.
- Fensli, R; Gunnarson, E; Heljesen, O. A wireless cardiac alarm system for continuous event recording. In: Building High Performance Healthcare Organizations, Medinfo 2004, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Medical Informatics, 7-11 September 2004, San Francisco, CA, USA (CD-ROM). International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA); American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), 2004. p. 1589.